Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Monitor Monitoring

My spouse does a lot of computing and usually has many applications and many windows open at once. Being the household IT person, I set her up with two monitors a couple of years ago using a dual output video card. She did not actually ask for the solution but ended up loving it and using both monitors commonly.

I continued to monitor her use of the dual monitors and found that even two monitors posed a limitation on many occasions. In her work she tends to cut and paste from several applications while also monitoring and replying to email.

Technology marches on and I figured that three monitors should now be possible. My first attempt to plug in a second video card for the third monitor did not work. Some computers can handle two cards, but not this particular computer. After some on-line research, I marched over to my favorite giant electronics store and bought a Diamond USB Disply adapter model BVU195. This small device connects to the computer USB port and a monitor. After installing the device software, it shows up as a third monitor on the computer.

It works great. I note with interest that this device can also be used to add up to six display devices so I will continue to monitor the situation.

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