All the groomsmen, plus the father of the bride and I, the father of the groom, were putting on our tuxedo finery when we had a problem. Understand that we all had clear instruction to wear suspenders. Some asked "Why suspenders?" and the rest of us explained "Because the bride said so." We also added that it makes the slacks straght and flatter. No argument from me since I was in favor of anything that makes me look slimmer.
Back to the problem. The father of the bride had defective suspenders! Gasp!
So I fixed them with a pocket knife.

The metal clasp part was bent over kinda backwards, so I bent it back. Oh, I used my son's old Boyscout pocket knife and the Bestman took this photo with his iPhone.
1 comment:
Thanks for keeping us in suspense. I will suspend further comments and just say how wonderful the wedding was and how handsome the father of the groom looked.
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